Thursday Apr 13, 2017
Ajahn Cittapalo | Be Patient With Your Impatience - Armadale Meditation Group
Thursday Apr 13, 2017
Thursday Apr 13, 2017
Ajahn Cittapalo is always a welcome teacher at AMG, he never fails to fill the house. Tonight he encouraged us to be patient with our impatience. Thoughts arise during meditation whether we want them to or not. Don't be impatient with yourself, let them go and gently bring your mind back to your meditation object.
Ajahn guided us through a 30 minute meditation that was well suited to beginners and intermediates. He then gave a Dharma talk that was both humorous and relevant to our habit of being impatient with our minds.
Tuesday Apr 04, 2017
Venerable Nitho | Letting Go of Trying too Hard - Armadale Meditation Group
Tuesday Apr 04, 2017
Tuesday Apr 04, 2017
Venerable Nitho recounted his youth to us to show how trying too hard [craving] is counter productive to letting go and that this will make it more difficult to meditate. Just as Venerable tried to hard to catch an elusive blue butterfly, we often try too hard too clear our minds to meditate. We need to let go and just let it happen.
Tonight's meditation was focused on our bodies. Starting at the feet, working upward. Relaxing each area of the body helps immensely to clear the mind, shut out external distractions and simply relax.
Venerable concluded with a brief Dharma talk and Q&A.
Tuesday Mar 28, 2017
Venerable Jhanarato | Let It Be And Be Happy - Armadale Meditation Group
Tuesday Mar 28, 2017
Tuesday Mar 28, 2017
Venerable JR spoke on just letting it be tonight. Let the thoughts come and let them go, don't engage them, just let it be and be happy. After a guided beginners meditation Venerable was happy to do a Q&A session.
Tuesday Mar 21, 2017
Bhante Sangharatana | Metta or Loving Kindness - The Armadale Meditation Group
Tuesday Mar 21, 2017
Tuesday Mar 21, 2017
Bhante explains metta meditation, how it will affect every aspect of our daily lives before guiding us through a combined metta and breath meditation. After the guided meditation Bhante answered questions about the meditation then opened to general comments and questions.
Bhante concluded the evening with stories that showed how love and kindness worked for Bhante G at Heathrow.
Metta [loving kindness]. In Buddhist belief, this is a Brahma-vihara (divine abode) or an immeasurable that leads to a meditative state by being a counter to ill-will. It removes clinging to negative state of mind, by cultivating kindness unto all beings.
Wednesday Mar 15, 2017
Ajahn Appichato | Student's Meditation - Armadale Meditation Group
Wednesday Mar 15, 2017
Wednesday Mar 15, 2017
Ajahn Appi guided the group through a beginners meditation with the focus on breath and the sensations caused by breathing. Ajahn then spoke on the benefits of meditation and concluded the session with a recital of a Tibetan Mantra.
Tuesday Mar 07, 2017
Ajahn Brahm | Post Traumatic Stress - Armadale Meditation Group
Tuesday Mar 07, 2017
Tuesday Mar 07, 2017
Post Traumatic Stress can be overcome. Ajahn encourages us to not make matters worse by adding to what, for a lot of people, is a time in their lives they can never forget. Ajahn tells us, don't forget, rather forgive and open up our hearts, accept it for what it was and move on.
Ajahn took us through a body sweep before a 30 min guided meditation. Ajahn then gave a talk on Post Traumatic Stress further encouraging us to open our hearts, accept and move on.
The entire evening was lightened by Ajahn Brahm's jokes and irrepressible sense of humour.
Wednesday Mar 01, 2017
Meditation Is Not A Chore | Ajahn Cittapalo Armadale Meditation Group
Wednesday Mar 01, 2017
Wednesday Mar 01, 2017
Ajahn encourages us to relax physically as much as possible before we start to meditate, explaining that meditation is not a chore. Venerable then gives a guided beginners meditation. Following meditation Ajahn gave us a talk and encouraged us to not foster negative thoughts to meditation, thus making it a chore but rather, to be as kind to ourselves as possible right from the beginning, no matter how long we meditate for.
Wednesday Feb 22, 2017
Venerable Akaliko - Buddha’s Eight Worldly Winds | Armadale Meditation Group
Wednesday Feb 22, 2017
Wednesday Feb 22, 2017
Venerable explained Buddha’s Eight Worldly Winds by giving real world examples such as our need for praise and to blame. Venerable then led us through a body sweep meditation to truly relax us. Venerable then gave a talk on how to avoid suffering and the "Buddha’s Eight Worldly Winds".
Tuesday Feb 07, 2017
Ajahn Brahm | Meditation in a Nutshell Armadale Meditation Group
Tuesday Feb 07, 2017
Tuesday Feb 07, 2017
Ajahn Brahm guides us through a relaxation exercise using humour and common sense before guiding the meditation. After the meditation he talks of why we needn't change ourselves, but be comfortable and happy with who we are. He uses a simile of trees in the forest being bent, often broken and damaged, but beautiful none the less. You need not change it to think it beautiful. So why change yourself.
Wednesday Feb 01, 2017
Venerable Nitho | Learning To Meditate - Week 4 of 4 Amadale Meditation Group
Wednesday Feb 01, 2017
Wednesday Feb 01, 2017
The final week of a 4 week beginners meditation class with Venerable Nitho. Venerable expands on the ground work laid in weeks 1, 2 and 3 with the focus for the last week being Metta Meditation.
What is Metta Meditation?
Mettā (Pali) or maitrī (Sanskrit) means benevolence, loving-kindness, friendliness, amity, friendship, good will, kindness, and active interest in others. It is the first of the four sublime states (Brahmavihāras) and one of the ten pāramīs of the Theravāda school of Buddhism.
Venerable gives us real world examples of Metta Meditation to apply not only to the world and those around us, but to ourselves as well. If we are happy, chances are that those around us will feel that and respond in kind.
Wednesday Jan 25, 2017
Venerable Nitho | Learning To Meditate - Week 3 of 4 Amadale Meditation Group
Wednesday Jan 25, 2017
Wednesday Jan 25, 2017
Venerable Nitho expands on the ground work laid in weeks 1 and 2. Venerable gives us real world examples of how remaining calm and composed can benefit both the meditater and those around us. The focus this week is breath meditation with [for beginners], an added focus point. This helps tremendously when learning to meditate.
Wednesday Jan 18, 2017
Venerable Nitho | Learning To Meditate - Week 2 of 4 Amadale Meditation Group
Wednesday Jan 18, 2017
Wednesday Jan 18, 2017
Venerable Nitho expands on the ground work laid in week 1. Venerable gives us real world examples of how remaining calm and composed can benefit both the meditater and those around us. Including wildlife.
Monday Jan 16, 2017
Monday Jan 16, 2017
This is Week 1 of 4 beginners meditation with Venerable Nitho.
Venerable Nitho explains what meditation can help us to achieve. Venerable uses his own life experience to help explain why he meditates and what we can achieve by practising.
Monday Jan 16, 2017
Monday Jan 16, 2017
Ajahn Brahm explains how meditation helps us relax by using humour and stories. As well as
humour he tells us stories help dissolve the five hindrances or blocks to meditation which
reduce depression, anxiety and anger by developing positive emotions and gratitude.
The results are an increase in satisfaction, contentment and fulfillment.
Thursday Dec 29, 2016
Ajahn Brahm | Old Monks Don't Lie - Armadale Meditation Group
Thursday Dec 29, 2016
Thursday Dec 29, 2016
Ajahn Brahm gave a sound introduction to meditation for the beginners that were present on Tuesday 27th, along with his customary jokes and stories. He guided us through meditation then regaled us with a story "Old Monks Don't Lie" to guide us away from the arrow of wanting.
Wednesday Dec 14, 2016
Wednesday Dec 14, 2016
Ajahn Nissarano explains how meditation helps us take the first step to
world peace by developing a positive, calm state of mind. He describes how
we can dissolve the five hindrances or blocks to meditation and reduce
depression, anxiety and anger by developing positive emotions and
gratitude. The results are an increase in satisfaction, contentment and
He then guides us through a very gentle, peaceful meditation flavoured with
a positive emotion to help give it a warmth and pleasantness which the mind
likes. He starts by encouraging us to prime the meditation by setting a
clear intention, and follows this with a guided relaxing body scan
associated with a warm, kind, grateful attention to the body. Finally, a
mantra of thankfulness and gratitude is used to further calm the mind in a
positive, easy flowing way.
Tuesday Nov 29, 2016
Ajahn Cittapalo | You Don't Own Your Thoughts - Armadale Meditation Group
Tuesday Nov 29, 2016
Tuesday Nov 29, 2016
Ajahn Cittapalo doesn't get to teach at AMG very often but when he does it is always to a full house. Tonight was no exception. Ajahn gave us a good grounding in beginners meditation and an often humourous talk after, then a brief Q&A. We could easily and happily have gone over-time.
Thursday Nov 24, 2016
Ajahn Cittapalo | Me Again - Armadale Meditation Group
Thursday Nov 24, 2016
Thursday Nov 24, 2016
We are very fortunate to have Ajahn Cittapalo and he gives us his best. A guided beginners meditation followed by a Q&A session.
Thursday Nov 24, 2016
Ajahn Cittapalo | Practice Makes Perfect... Really? - Armadale Meditation Group
Thursday Nov 24, 2016
Thursday Nov 24, 2016
Ajahn Cittapallo returns to us and we are lucky to have him. A talk on meditation for beginners, a guided beginners meditation then Q&A.
Thursday Nov 24, 2016
Meditation Training | Ajahn Cittapalo - Armadale Meditation Group
Thursday Nov 24, 2016
Thursday Nov 24, 2016
We've not seen for more than a year so it's nice to see him return. Ajahn Cittapalo is an experienced teacher so gives us an excellent explanation of meditation, a guided beginners meditation and Q&A.