
Thursday Jul 11, 2019
Ajahn Santutthi | The Meditation Process | Armadale Meditation Group
Thursday Jul 11, 2019
Thursday Jul 11, 2019
Ajahn Santutthi started the evening off by asking us to view meditation as a process. Not a compulsory task or job, but an ongoing process. Just as we might plant a tree, we must prepare the soil, plant the seedling with care, then fertilise and water the tree as it grows. And we know, that it will not happen over night, it will take time. So it is with our meditation, it will take time. With each meditation we are [often without noticing], improving.
Ajahn then guided us through a body contemplation meditation that lasted slightly longer than the usual 30 minutes. This meditation is easily done by beginners and experienced a like. On this occasion there were a number of children present along with those that have never meditated.
After meditation Ajahn opened to questions before continuing to talk on meditation in general.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more Armadale Meditation Group Teachings, visit the BSWA teachings page, choose the AMG teaching you want, then type the title into the Podcast search box.

Wednesday Jul 10, 2019
Guided Meditation | Ajahn Santutthi | 7 May 2011
Wednesday Jul 10, 2019
Wednesday Jul 10, 2019
Ajahn Santutthi conducts an intermediate/ advanced meditation class for approximately one hour. Recorded at Dhammaloka Buddhist Centre, Perth, Western Australia.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more Guided Meditations on Podcast, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the meditation you want and then type the date into the Podcast search box e.g. 01-09-2018 or try 1 September 2018.

Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
Guided Meditation | Ajahn Santutthi | 29 June 2019
Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
Do you have a restless mind, or do you fall asleep during meditation? Ajahn Santutthi reminds us that our body and mind are beyond our control and Ajahn encourages us to keep on practicing, by putting in the right causes and conditions, such as patience and kindness.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more Guided Meditations on Podcast, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the meditation you want and then type the date into the Podcast search box e.g. 01-09-2018 or try 1 September 2018.

Monday Jul 01, 2019
How to Live a Happy Life | Ajahn Santutthi | 28 June 2019
Monday Jul 01, 2019
Monday Jul 01, 2019
Ajahn Santutthi teaches us how to live a happy life and gives several suggestions, such as; developing a happy attitude towards our life, living in the present moment and being flexible to changes.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more Dhamma Talks on Podcast, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the talk you want and then type the title into the Podcast search box.

Monday Jul 01, 2019
Friday Night Guided Meditation | Ajahn Santutthi | 28 June 2019
Monday Jul 01, 2019
Monday Jul 01, 2019
Ajahn Santutthi guides a meditation for approximately thirty minutes.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more Guided Meditations on Podcast, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the meditation you want and then type the date into the Podcast search box e.g. 01-09-2018 or try 1 September 2018.

Wednesday Mar 27, 2019
Wednesday Mar 27, 2019
We haven’t seen Ajahn Santutthi at The Armadale Meditation Group for some time now so it was a welcome surprise. Ajahn began the evening by asking us to let go of the doer in our mind, so the mind can begin to relax. We constantly look for things to do in life and our mind isn’t much different. Our mind is constantly looking for things to make it happy, things to do. The doer in our mind doesn’t do relax. So to really relax, we need to let it go and just be in the present moment.
Ajahn led us in a longer than usual meditation this evening that is well suited to beginners and experienced alike. After the meditation, rather than talk on any specific subject, Ajahn opened to a Q&A to conclude the evening. Interspersed throughout Q&A are some funny stories to further relax us all.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more Armadale Meditation Group Teachings, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the AMG teaching you want, then type the title into the Podcast search box.

Friday Nov 30, 2018
Friday Nov 30, 2018
Ajahn spoke to us on the impermanence of thoughts in our meditation. Thoughts arise and then they pass. Just let them go. We know that, in life, nothing is permanent, things happen then they pass. So it is with our meditation. It doesn't matter if it's metta, breath, counting or a mantra the thoughts will arise and then pass. What matters is that we don't latch onto them, just let them go and return to our meditation.
Ajahn then asked the group which meditation they'd like to do. We chose body contemplation or body sweep and then moving to a breath meditation. Ajahn then reminded us that it isn't so much the method of meditation, it's more that our mind changes over time as we practice. The more we meditate the more relaxed we become.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.

Tuesday Aug 21, 2018
Guided Meditation | Ajahn Santutthi | 16-01-2016
Tuesday Aug 21, 2018
Tuesday Aug 21, 2018
Ajahn Santutthi conducts an intermeditate/ advanced meditation class for approximately one hour. Recorded at Dhammaloka Buddhist Centre, Perth, Western Australia.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.

Friday Jun 29, 2018
Ajahn Santutthi | Recharge Your Batteries - Armadale Meditation Group
Friday Jun 29, 2018
Friday Jun 29, 2018
Ajahn Santutthi encouraged us to consider meditation as recharging the batteries of the mind. We are learning how to be passengers in our meditation practice, not dictators. So when random thoughts pop up, just observe, don't engage, let them go. Having present moment awareness isn't impossible, it just takes practice. The result is being right here, right now and gaining a stepping stone to inner peace. Be patient and gentle with yourself.
Ajahn guided us in a thirty minute meditation well suited to both experienced meditators and beginners. Ajahn suggested that we patiently observe our mind and see where it is in this moment. No heavy focus, just gentle observation and notice what we as individuals would like our meditation object to be, rather than making an arbitrary decision. By allowing our minds to be where they want to be as we start to meditate, we remove some of the rigidity. A softer approach. Once our minds are settled and we are just observers, we can then gently change direction and focus on an object such as our breath, as we would normally do.
After meditation Ajahn opened to Q&A.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.

Wednesday Apr 25, 2018
Ajahn Santutthi | Forget About Everything - Armadale Meditation Group
Wednesday Apr 25, 2018
Wednesday Apr 25, 2018
When it's done it's finished. Meditation allows us to leave the things that have happened in our busy lives and be peaceful, be calm. Forget about what's happened before and just be in this moment. Sit down, close your eyes and relax. Many of us don't give ourselves that opportunity to let it all go. We wake in the morning full of beans and by the end of the day we are mentally tired. We need to train our minds to let the day go. Meditation allows us to do this.
Ajahn guided us in a thirty minute meditation well suited to people learning to meditate.
After the meditation Ajahn related a story about the growth of a fire tree at Bodhinyana Monastery. He had watched the tree grow for many years and wondered why, given the care it received, that it hadn't seemed to grow. Ajahn continued his training in Wat Buddha Dhamma Buddhist Monastery in Wisemans Ferry, New South Wales for five years. On returning to Bodhinyana Monastery, he was quietly walking past the fire tree and wondered how it was faring. He was surprised to find that it was now an enormous mature tree. Just as Ajahn didn't notice the slight growth of the fire tree, when we begin to meditate, we often don't see or rather, notice any progress. Each time we meditate, be it for five minutes a day or half an hour each week, we are retraining our minds and this has a cumulative effect. One day we will sit down and realise that we can let it all go just as easily as sitting down.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.

Tuesday Jan 30, 2018
Guided Meditation | Ajahn Santutthi | 27-01-2018
Tuesday Jan 30, 2018
Tuesday Jan 30, 2018
Ajahn Santutthi says that meditation is like marinating an olive. It takes time for the olives to become delicious. In the same way, it takes time and patience for our mind to settle down.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.

Wednesday Jan 10, 2018
Becoming Best Friends With Your Mind | Ajahn Santutthi - The Armadale Meditation Group
Wednesday Jan 10, 2018
Wednesday Jan 10, 2018
The first beginners meditation for 2018 and our teacher is Ajahn Santutthi. For the benefit of first timers and those of us beginning in meditation, Ajahn Santutthi gave us an excellent layman’s explanation of meditation. Ajahn then guided us through a 30 minute meditation followed by Q&A.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.

Thursday Oct 26, 2017
Thursday Oct 26, 2017
Ajahn Santutthi talked to us about finding the calm in the storm of our minds through meditation. Over thinking can lead to us becoming anxious, we need to live in the moment, not dwell on the past, nor worry about our future.
When we over think, dwell in the past or worry about the future we don't live in the present. Our minds become tired and so do our bodies. Meditation can help us clear our mind, live just in this moment and recover some of our energies.
After his talk, Ajahn led us in a guided meditation for approximately 45 minutes.

Tuesday Oct 10, 2017
Guided Meditation | Ajahn Santutti | 07-10-2015
Tuesday Oct 10, 2017
Tuesday Oct 10, 2017
Ajahn Santutthi teaches us how to prepare our mind for meditation practice and how to overcome mental negativity. Ajahn discusses how being content leads to a peaceful mind.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.

Thursday Jun 22, 2017
Guided Meditation | Ajahn Santutthi | 17-06-2017
Thursday Jun 22, 2017
Thursday Jun 22, 2017
Ajahn Santutthi teaches us how to calm the mind and encourages us to be patient and aware of how things unfold in the mind.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.

Monday Jun 19, 2017
How Buddhism Can Help You | Ajahn Santutthi
Monday Jun 19, 2017
Monday Jun 19, 2017
Ajahn Santutthi shares his experience on how the Buddhist teachings have helped him in his many years as a monk. Ajahn points out that monks and laypeople both wish to overcome suffering and difficulties in life and that this is what the monks learn to do in the monastery and one of ways you do this is to change the way you see things, situations and people.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.

Wednesday Jun 07, 2017
Wednesday Jun 07, 2017
Ajahn joined us again this week at The Armadale Meditation Group. He suggested that we spend much time in our busy daily lives collecting rubbish within our minds and meditation is the means to get rid of it, empty the garbage.
Ajahn then guided us through a meditation with relaxation of our bodies first. The focus of our meditation was our breath or breathing. Ajahn then opened the floor to questions. Following Q&A Ajahn told us of his recent visit to Thailand were he met with Ajahn Gunhah, the original happy monk.

Thursday May 25, 2017
Ajahn Santutthi | Meditation and Pizza - The Armadale Meditation Group
Thursday May 25, 2017
Thursday May 25, 2017
Ajahn explains to us our compulsion to own everything. We see the news, read the newspaper and engage in discussion, we involve ourselves so much that we own it. We need to have the courage to say "this is not my business". We need to leave it all behind before we meditate.
Ajahn then guided us through a 30 minute meditation well suited to beginners, encouriging us to free ourselves from the compulsion to "own it" with the small mantra of "this is none of my business".
Ajahn then gave us a dharma talk on love and kindness followed by a Q&A.