
Friday May 28, 2021
Friday May 28, 2021
Monday Night Meditation at Wat Dhammayanaram, Cambodian Society of WA (CBSWA) with Venerable Sunyo on the 10th May 2021. These weekly teachings give an introduction into Meditation and some guidance and basics into the practice of the Buddhist Path. They usually consist of a short talk, thirty minute meditation and then questions & answers.
Venerable Sunyo visited Wat Dhammayanaram for about a month. He currently lives at Bodhinyana Monastery in Serpentine, WA (Buddhist Society of WA monastery – abbot Ajahn Brahmavamso).
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more precious Dhamma teachings, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the teaching you want and click on the audio to open it up on Podbean.
Teaching retrieved from https://thecbswa.org/meditation-recordings please visit https://thecbswa.org/ to find out how to attend the monastery in person.