
Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
Every year, the monastic community (Monks and nuns) go on a three month retreat called the “Rains Retreat” from mid July to mid October. During this period, they do not visit our centres for teachings as it’s a time for deepening their own practice.
While the monks and nuns are away, we will have some interesting guest speakers coming in to give the Friday Night talk.
Sutta References for this talk: (A) Meditation 1. Body Scan - Kāyagatāsati sutta (Mindfulness of the Body) MN 119 2. Two essential factors for Meditation: Well purified ethics & correct view – Bhikkhu Sutta (A Monk) SN 47:3 3. Dvedhāvitakka Sutta (Two Kinds of Thoughts) MN 19 4. Vitakkasaṇṭhāna Sutta (Stopping/Calming of Thoughts) MN 20 (B) First Part of the Talk: Turning Points 1. Buddha’s Autobiography - Ariyapariyesanā Sutta (Noble Search) MN 26 2. First Dhamma Discourse – Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta (Rolling Forth the Wheel of Dhamma) SN 56:11 3. Establishment of Bhikkhuni Order – Gotamī Sutta (With Gotamī) AN 8:51 (C) Second Part of the Talk: Dhamma Bonus Points for our Welfare & Happiness 1. Five Aggregates a. Maha Punnamā Sutta (The greater Discourse on the Full-Moon Night) MN 109 b. Dutiyagaddulabaddha Sutta (A leash) SN 22:100 2. Five Hindrances a. Maha Assapura Sutta (The greater Discourse at Assapura) MN39 b. Saṅgārava sutta (With Saṅgārava) SN 46:55 3. Five Precepts / Purification of Ethics a. Pañcaverabhaya Sutta (Dangers and Threats) SN12:41 - https://suttacentral.net/search?query=sn12.41 b. Velāma Sutta (About Velāma) AN 9:20 c. Lonakapalla Sutta (A Lump of Salt) AN 3:100 d. Sappurisa Sutta (A True Person) AN 5:42 e. Dhammapada Verse 173 4. Five Benefits of Offering Food / Generosity a. Bhojana Sutta (Food) AN 5:37 b. Dānānisaṁsa Sutta (The benefits of Giving) AN 5:35 c. Dhammapada Verse 118 5. Five Practice Factors for planning for a Favourable Rebirth Saṅkhārupapatti Sutta (Rebirth by Aspiration) MN 120 Notes: MN= Majjhima Nikāya; AN= Anguttara Nikāya; SN= Samyutta Nikāya
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