
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Dependent Origination | Ajahn Brahmali | 3 October 2022
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
This talk is republished with permission by Metta Centre, teaching retrieved from http://Dhamma Talks - Metta Centre.
“One who sees dependent origination sees the Dhamma; one who sees the Dhamma sees dependent origination.” (MN 28)
Come and take a deep dive with Ajahn Brahmali in the exploration of Dependent Origination. Dependent origination is one of the core teachings of the Buddha on conditionality: how conditions arise and how they cease, and is key to liberating wisdom. Ajahn Brahmali’s practical and down-to-earth approach makes this complex teaching accessible and applicable to our daily lives.
‘When this exists, that comes to be; with the arising of this, that arises. When this does not exist, that does not come to be; with the cessation of this, that ceases… with the remainderless fading away and cessation of ignorance comes cessation of volitional formations; with the cessation of volitional formations, cessation of consciousness…. Such is the cessation of this whole mass of suffering.” (SN 12.37)
This special event will include 30 mins of meditation, 1 hr talk, and 30 mins Q&A.
0:00 - Introduction
2:54 - Integrating one's work with spiritual practice
4:07 - Meditation
25:01 - Talk
26:43 - What is Buddhism?
31:15 - Simile of a handful of leaves
32:28 - Dangers of "philosophising"
34:53 - Buddhism as a positive psychology
36:38 - Dependent Origination intro
38:05 - First Noble Truth & rebirth
40:59 - Second Noble Truth
42:39 - Alternative formulation of the Second Noble Truth
43:49 - Craving, rebirth, suffering
48:32 - Craving leading to taking up
50:01 - Psychological insights
56:18 - Grasping skilfully
59:54 - Insights into our life
1:05:51 - Kamma and rebirth
1:07:22 - Causes of craving
1:09:37 - Feeling
1:10:41 - Contact (experience) and senses
1:11:42 - Consciousness
1:18:00 - Willed activities
1:20:21 - Delusions
1:24:37 - Self
1:27:07 - Overcoming ignorance
1:30:29 - Question: Sankara vs Bhava
1:34:13 - Question: Criminality, conditioning, repentance
1:38:41 - Question: Ignorance as the root of rebirth
1:40:02 - Question: Does rebirth require unknown physics?
1:43:31 - Question: Making choices
1:47:44 - Question: Descriptions of Dependent Origination
1:53:53 - Question: Aṅgulimāla
1:56:08 - Closing
About the presenter
Ajahn Brahmali was born in Norway in 1964. His interest in Buddhism and meditation started after a visit to Japan. Having completed degrees in engineering and finance, he began his monastic training as an Anagarika in England at Amaravati and Chithurst Buddhist Monasteries. Listening to the teachings of Ajahn Brahm, he decided to travel to Bodhinyana Monastery, located south of Perth, and has been there since 1994. He later received higher ordination with Ajahn Brahm as his preceptor.
Ajahn Brahmali’s knowledge of the Pali language and the Suttas is excellent. He has completed the only full translation of the Vinaya Piṭaka (Monastic Law) into English. It is available on the SuttaCentral website and will be published as a proper book in the next few years. Bhikkhu Bodhi, who translated most of the Pali Canon into English, called Ajahn Brahmali one of his major helpers for the recent translation of the “Numerical Discourses of the Buddha”. Ajahn Brahmali has also published a number of essays, including the book “The Authenticity of the Early Buddhist Texts” in collaboration with Bhante Sujato. Most of his publications are available online at bswa.org
The monastics at Bodhinyana Monastery greatly appreciate Ajahn Brahmali’s Sutta and Pali classes, and often rely on him to clarify the Vinaya (Monastic Law) or Suttas. Since 2013, Ajahn Brahmali has been giving regular talks at Dhammaloka Centre in Perth, and led ongoing courses on the Early Buddhist Teachings. Ajahn Brahmali’s clear and thoughtful talks make the teachings of the Buddha easily accessible to all. He travels extensively in Australia, Asia and Europe to share his knowledge and experience through teachings and retreats.
Facilitator: Tina Ng
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