
Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
Brahma-Viharas Series 4: Balance | Bhante Bodhidhaja | 8 May 2022
Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
Bhante Bodhidhaja gives a Dhamma talk from the Newbury Buddhist monastery regarding the four Brahma Vihara taught by the Lord Buddha.
This is the fourth in the series of the Brahma Vihara or "The Four Highest Hangout Places", as Bhante describes it. In this video, he talks about "Upekkhā", being grounded.
Bhante Bodhiraja gives a good perspective on how we can learn to rejoice in the success of others by citing quotes from many different cultures of the world.
Bhante also quotes the following Sutta on the eight worldly conditions.
AN 8.5 - Paṭhamalokadhammasutta sutta - Click here to read this on Sutta Central.
Click here to see the full presentation of this talk on YouTube.
Teaching given from Newbury Buddhist Monastery, Victoria, Australia – Buddhist Society of Victoria (BSV). Please visit the BSV Podcast Channel and BSV YouTube Channel
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