
Wednesday Jul 03, 2019
Bhante Bodhidhaja | Relax and Grow | The Armadale Meditation Group
Wednesday Jul 03, 2019
Wednesday Jul 03, 2019
Bhante Bodhidhaja always starts the session a little differently to most and tonight was no exception. He arrived carrying a bucket with a number of not often seen in a meditation class, strange props. Having been a primary Teacher with some acting experience, Bhante is adept at using props. Bhante asked us to use our imagination to do body painting. After the surprise and laughter subsided Bhante explained that the paint [imaginary], would consist of three primary paints each consisting of the sub parts;
care interest gratitude
kindness curiosity rejoicing
warmth awareness
Having mixed the ingredients, we are instructed to paint our bodies during the meditation, from top to toe using first a brush then a roller for the larger areas. As we do this, we are asked to feel the sensation on that area, of the brush, roller and paint. In doing this we will be in the present moment and most definitely focused on that particular part of our body.
Just prior to commencing the guided meditation, Bhante asks us to recite in our own minds the following mantra:
Nothing to Do
No-where to Go
Time to Relax and Let The Peace Grow
Having been suitably instructed we are then led by Bhante in a slightly longer than 30 minute meditation, that surprised most if not all. At the end of the meditation there were smiles all round.
This meditation is suitable for beginners and experienced alike.
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