
Sunday Sep 20, 2020
Aversion and It’s Opposite | Ajahn Nissarano | December 2019
Sunday Sep 20, 2020
Sunday Sep 20, 2020
A Dhamma talk given at the Buddhist Society of Victoria (BSV), by Ajahn Nissarano in December 2019. Please visit the BSV Podcast Channel and BSV YouTube Channel
Ajahn Nissarano talks about aversion and its opposite: non-aversion. Ajahn discusses the different attachments we can have that can cause aversion, namely competition, views and opinions, identity view and rites & rituals. Ajahn Nissarano also encourages us to understand where the aversion is coming from and to cultivate the opposite, non-aversion.
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Teaching retrieved from https://bsv.podbean.com/e/ajahn-nissarano-aversion-and-its-opposite-22-dec-2019/