
Friday Nov 16, 2018
Friday Nov 16, 2018
Each year we are blessed with a visit and teaching by Ajahn Nissarano. This year we have been fortunate enough to have him visit twice. Ajahn is based in Sri Lanka, visiting his home city of Perth once or twice every year or so. On such visits Ajahn is usually in high demand so we at AMG are very grateful of his time. On this occasion Ajahn began the night with an explanation of meditation and programing our minds before we start our meditation. Being aware of negative states of mind prior to our meditation will help immensely. The two most important states of mind being motivation and intention. Ajahn talked to us about these states of mind and how they affect our meditation as well as our daily lives.
Ajahn then guided the group through a 30 minute scanning [body sweep] meditation suited to all, beginners to experienced alike.
After the meditation Ajahn opened the floor to "comments, questions or complaints". Ajahn then continued his talk on programming our own minds and the external influences we are subjected to in modern life.
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