
Thursday May 30, 2019
Thursday May 30, 2019
Ajahn Khemavaro is the Abbot of Wat Buddha Dhamma and as such, doesn't get out much. To have him at the Armadale Meditation Group for our Tuesday night was a rare privilege. So many thanks to Ajahn Santutthi of Wat Dhammayanaram for inviting him across the country for a visit and our Co-ordinator Marlene for inviting him to our group.
Ajahn began the evening talk explaining meditation and comparing it to cleaning our homes. Just as when our homes become dusty and unkempt, they need to be cleaned or cleared. So to our minds from time to time need to be cleaned or cleared. When we return home we often flop down into our favourite chair and simply "chill out". We do our best to forget the day and not plan for the future. Often as not we sit in front of our TV or computer and just get lost. All this to only have it all return the following day. Ajahn explains that by using a simple mantra [being mindful], even when working, we can overcome most of the things that bother us.
Ajahn then reminded us that if our body is not comfortable the meditation will be difficult. So we are encouraged to find a body position that can be maintained for at least 30 minutes. Ajahn then guided us through a 30 minute meditation using a simple mantra. This meditation is suitable for beginners and experienced meditators alike.
After meditation Ajahn opened to Q&A.
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