
Wednesday Dec 14, 2016
Wednesday Dec 14, 2016
Ajahn Nissarano explains how meditation helps us take the first step to
world peace by developing a positive, calm state of mind. He describes how
we can dissolve the five hindrances or blocks to meditation and reduce
depression, anxiety and anger by developing positive emotions and
gratitude. The results are an increase in satisfaction, contentment and
He then guides us through a very gentle, peaceful meditation flavoured with
a positive emotion to help give it a warmth and pleasantness which the mind
likes. He starts by encouraging us to prime the meditation by setting a
clear intention, and follows this with a guided relaxing body scan
associated with a warm, kind, grateful attention to the body. Finally, a
mantra of thankfulness and gratitude is used to further calm the mind in a
positive, easy flowing way.

Tuesday Dec 06, 2016
Venerable Upasama | You're Not In Charge - Armadale Meditation Group
Tuesday Dec 06, 2016
Tuesday Dec 06, 2016
Venerable Upasama has started teaching and will be a most welcome teacher at The Armadale Meditation Group. Venerable gave a Dharma Talk on the teachings of Buddha, then an excellent meditation and concluded the night by making us all laugh.

Tuesday Nov 29, 2016
Ajahn Cittapalo | You Don't Own Your Thoughts - Armadale Meditation Group
Tuesday Nov 29, 2016
Tuesday Nov 29, 2016
Ajahn Cittapalo doesn't get to teach at AMG very often but when he does it is always to a full house. Tonight was no exception. Ajahn gave us a good grounding in beginners meditation and an often humourous talk after, then a brief Q&A. We could easily and happily have gone over-time.

Thursday Nov 24, 2016
Ajahn Cittapalo | Me Again - Armadale Meditation Group
Thursday Nov 24, 2016
Thursday Nov 24, 2016
We are very fortunate to have Ajahn Cittapalo and he gives us his best. A guided beginners meditation followed by a Q&A session.

Thursday Nov 24, 2016
Ajahn Cittapalo | Practice Makes Perfect... Really? - Armadale Meditation Group
Thursday Nov 24, 2016
Thursday Nov 24, 2016
Ajahn Cittapallo returns to us and we are lucky to have him. A talk on meditation for beginners, a guided beginners meditation then Q&A.

Thursday Nov 24, 2016
Meditation Training | Ajahn Cittapalo - Armadale Meditation Group
Thursday Nov 24, 2016
Thursday Nov 24, 2016
We've not seen for more than a year so it's nice to see him return. Ajahn Cittapalo is an experienced teacher so gives us an excellent explanation of meditation, a guided beginners meditation and Q&A.

Thursday Nov 24, 2016
Learning Meditation | Ajahn Cittapalo - Armadale Meditation Group
Thursday Nov 24, 2016
Thursday Nov 24, 2016
Ajahn Cittapalo gives us an excellent explanation of meditation, a guided beginners meditation and Q&A.

Wednesday Nov 23, 2016
Bhante Sujato | Farewell from the Armadale Meditation Group
Wednesday Nov 23, 2016
Wednesday Nov 23, 2016
Little did we know until his arrival that this would be the last time Bhante would teach at the Armadale Meditation Group, at least for the forseeable future. Despite his leaving for duties elsewhere, he gave us a sound explanation of meditation and an excelent guided beginners meditation. The Q&A included questions about where he was going and why. A most important task and a task worthy of his stature. He is missed by all and we await his return.

Wednesday Nov 23, 2016
Bhante Sujato | An Always Welcome Teacher at The Armadale Meditation Group
Wednesday Nov 23, 2016
Wednesday Nov 23, 2016
Bhante Sujato is an always welcome teacher at AMG. He gives a good explanantion, guides us well through a beginners meditation and is always open to Q&A,

Wednesday Nov 23, 2016
Ajahn Sujato | Apprentice's Meditation - Armadale Meditation Group
Wednesday Nov 23, 2016
Wednesday Nov 23, 2016
Bhante Sujato explains meditation as simply as possible then guides us through the meditation followed by a Q&A that ran us over time. No-one was concerned and all left happy.

Wednesday Nov 23, 2016
Bhante Jag | Bhante Jag returns to the Armadale Meditation Group
Wednesday Nov 23, 2016
Wednesday Nov 23, 2016
Bhante Jag returns for his second visit of 2016 and gives us another captivating evening. Had it not been for the time constraints, I we suspect that we would have gladly been there for hours.

Wednesday Nov 23, 2016
Bhante Jag | Armadale Meditation Group meets Bhante Jag
Wednesday Nov 23, 2016
Wednesday Nov 23, 2016
Bhante Jag visited the west from Melbourne and graced us with two visits. He gave us an excellent explanation of meditation then a beginners meditation followed by a humourous at times Q&A. Can't wait for him to return.

Wednesday Nov 23, 2016
Ajahn Nissarano | Part of Ajahn Nissarano's 2016 vist to Armadale Meditation Group
Wednesday Nov 23, 2016
Wednesday Nov 23, 2016
Two weeks is a long time to wait when someone as anticipated as Ajahn Nissarano is to visit. It was worth the wait. Excelent talk, guided beginners meditation and Q&A!!

Wednesday Nov 23, 2016
Ajahn Nissarano | A Beginners Meditation with a Master - Armadale Meditation Group
Wednesday Nov 23, 2016
Wednesday Nov 23, 2016
A year has past since his last visit and it is a most welcome return of Ajahn Nissarano to AMG. An excellent introduction, guided beginners meditation and a Q&A session to conclude. Plus, he'll be back in two weeks, can't wait!

Wednesday Nov 23, 2016
Ajahn Nissarano | A most welcome return to Armadale Meditation Group
Wednesday Nov 23, 2016
Wednesday Nov 23, 2016
Two weeks later and Ajahn Nissarano is back. A guided beginners meditation, wonderful story with a Q&A session.

Wednesday Nov 23, 2016
Ajahn Nissarano | A Beginners Meditation from a Master - Armadale Meditation Group
Wednesday Nov 23, 2016
Wednesday Nov 23, 2016
The AMG sees Ajahn Nissarano all to infrequently but when he's here, he fills the house. Ajahn gave us a brilliant guided meditation for beginners and captivating Dharma talk as well as an interesting Q&A after.

Wednesday Nov 23, 2016
Venerable Nitho | The Secret to a Good Meditation - Armadale Meditation Group
Wednesday Nov 23, 2016
Wednesday Nov 23, 2016
Venerable Nitho introduces meditation to the group with a story that had all listening very intently. He then guided us expertly through meditation and gave a wonderful Dharma Talk to close. It was the considered opinion of all that he should return as soon as he is able.

Sunday Nov 20, 2016
Ajahn Brahmali | Ajahn Brahmali Is Back - Armadale Meditation Group
Sunday Nov 20, 2016
Sunday Nov 20, 2016
It has been some time since we've had Ajahn Bramali at Armadale Meditation Group and he is most welcome. A guided beginners meditation with a Q&A after from Ajahn Brahmali.

Sunday Nov 20, 2016
Ajahn Brahmali | We Love Ajahn Brahmali - Armadale Meditation Group
Sunday Nov 20, 2016
Sunday Nov 20, 2016
We don't see him often but love it when we do. A beginners meditation with Ajahn Brahmali.

Sunday Nov 20, 2016
Ajahn Brahmali | Stress - Armadale Meditation Group
Sunday Nov 20, 2016
Sunday Nov 20, 2016
Tax time 2015 and stress is the norm. Well, a guided beginners meditation with Ajahn Brahmali will help with any stress.