
Wednesday Jun 13, 2018
Venerable Cunda | Take a Break - The Armadale Meditation Group
Wednesday Jun 13, 2018
Wednesday Jun 13, 2018
Venerable Cunda encouraged us to "give ourselves a break". We carry the responsibilities in our daily lives very heavily, from new parents to business, and it affects both our physical and mental health. Our life styles come with a cost. From rushing around in our cars to trying to relax, we over do it all. We need to give ourselves a break. Relax, let it all go and just live in this moment. Leave the past where it is and not focus on a possible future that may never happen.
Venerable Cunda led the group through a very relaxing body scan and breath meditation well suited to both beginners and experienced alike.
After meditation Venerable talked on the benefits of meditation. After we meditate we are more relaxed, more calm and physically relaxed. Venerable then opened to Q&A.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.

Thursday Jun 07, 2018
Bhante Sangharatana | How Do You Let Go - Armadale Meditation Group
Thursday Jun 07, 2018
Thursday Jun 07, 2018
Bhante talked to us about letting go. Just as we would automatically pull our hand out of a fire, so to, with consistent practice, will we naturally let go of our thoughts when meditating.
Bhante then leads us in a guided breath meditation. First encouraging us to relax our bodies and then guiding us to direct our attention to our breathing, to be aware of it, not change it, just watch it. Bhante's meditation is well suited to beginners and experienced meditators alike.
After meditation Bhante opens to Q&A. Bhante then gave a talk on morality, virtue and many of the steps needed by us in order to meditate.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.

Thursday May 31, 2018
Ajahn Cittapalo | Your Intentions Matter More - The Armadale Meditation Group
Thursday May 31, 2018
Thursday May 31, 2018
It was Vesak day on Tuesday and Ajahn Cittapalo joined us at AMG. Vesak Day commemorates the birth, enlightenment, and death of Gautama Buddha in the Theravada or southern tradition. Ajahn having attended Vesak celebrations at Dhammaloka on Sunday, where many people took refuge by becoming Buddhist, noticed that for many, the five precepts are hard and fast rules. Many of us do the same when we meditate. We try too hard and become disenchanted when we fail.
Ajahn would never say that it is ok to consume alcohol, rather that we consider that we really should try to stop. So it is with our meditations. When random thoughts occur, we should simply let them come and go. Don't get entangled, but don't try too hard and be overly critical that the thoughts continue. Over time the ability to simply stand back in your mind and watch will grow and the thoughts will be come less frequent. The same will happen with alcohol, each time we consume it, we consider it and do it less until we don't do it at all.
Ajahn tells us that our intentions matter more in all things. When we meditate, it is our intention to gain a peaceful mind that matters. Not being overly self critical for having thoughts. Just as with the five precepts, it is our intentions that matter.
Ajahn led us in a body scan to relax us then a very peaceful silent meditation.
After the meditation Ajahn continued his talk on our intentions, cautioning us all to not be too critical of our efforts both in life and meditation. After Ajahn concluded he joined the group in celebrating Vesak day.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.

Wednesday May 16, 2018
Ajahn Brahmavamso | Relax To The Max and Meditate - The Armadale Meditation Group
Wednesday May 16, 2018
Wednesday May 16, 2018
An often funny but most of all relaxing evening with Ajahn Brahm. Ajahn asks us to remember why the British Empire lost many of it's colonies. They stopped having "tea breaks". They stopped taking a break, stopped taking a moment to relax both the body and the mind. When we become stressed we become less efficient at everything. Driving, working and even doing our domestic chores. Stop, take 5 minutes and meditate.
It is very difficult to relax the mind if the body isn't relaxed first. So take the time to look deeply into your body, asking silently each part of your body if it is relaxed. If it isn't then focus on it and move it if you need to. Scratch that itch, rub that nose but most of all, relax. Then move onto the mind and simply observe. Don't get tangled up in your thoughts, just let them come and go. Relax. Guess what, you are meditating.
Ajahn reminded us that organisations such as Google and Face Book now have meditation areas set aside for their employees. This allows them to take a break, relax. This improves efficiency greatly. So we should take the time to relax, meditate, even for just 5 minutes a day. Learn our bodies, get physically comfortable, then relax the mind.
Ajahn then guided us through a 30 minute meditation that is well suited to beginners, novice or advanced meditators alike.
After the guided meditation, Ajahn opened to Q&A.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.

Wednesday May 09, 2018
Ajahn Appi | Change Happens. Deal With It - The Armadale Meditation Group
Wednesday May 09, 2018
Wednesday May 09, 2018
Ajahn tells us that change is inevitable in all things, in all matters. Meditation helps us learn how to deal with the changes in our lives, our
circumstances and ourselves. Such change is not always to our liking or such that we can prevent. Change happens. Deal with it. Rather than
become angry, distressed or sad, we meditate and deal with it in a calm rational fashion.
We had no new meditators on this occasion so rather than a full guided 30 minute meditation, Ajahn and the fifty odd people in attendance simply focused on a breath meditation with occasional guidance from Ajahn. The experienced meditators amongst the group were encouraged to do their own thing.
After meditation Ajahn opened to, and answered well, a number of questions very relevant to meditation.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.

Thursday May 03, 2018
Ajahn Cittapalo | Give Yourself A Break - Armadale Meditation Group
Thursday May 03, 2018
Thursday May 03, 2018
Ajahn gave a brief description of meditation and then guided us through a body sweep and relaxation meditation.
Although not totally suited to beginners this meditation was easy to follow and a pleasure to do.
After the meditation Ajahn opened to Q&A with some of his frank answers and descriptions making the entire audience laugh. After the Q&A Ajahn gave a brief talk on how he became a monk and what life is like for a monk at Bodhinyana. Again Ajahn had the audience laughing.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.

Wednesday Apr 25, 2018
Ajahn Santutthi | Forget About Everything - Armadale Meditation Group
Wednesday Apr 25, 2018
Wednesday Apr 25, 2018
When it's done it's finished. Meditation allows us to leave the things that have happened in our busy lives and be peaceful, be calm. Forget about what's happened before and just be in this moment. Sit down, close your eyes and relax. Many of us don't give ourselves that opportunity to let it all go. We wake in the morning full of beans and by the end of the day we are mentally tired. We need to train our minds to let the day go. Meditation allows us to do this.
Ajahn guided us in a thirty minute meditation well suited to people learning to meditate.
After the meditation Ajahn related a story about the growth of a fire tree at Bodhinyana Monastery. He had watched the tree grow for many years and wondered why, given the care it received, that it hadn't seemed to grow. Ajahn continued his training in Wat Buddha Dhamma Buddhist Monastery in Wisemans Ferry, New South Wales for five years. On returning to Bodhinyana Monastery, he was quietly walking past the fire tree and wondered how it was faring. He was surprised to find that it was now an enormous mature tree. Just as Ajahn didn't notice the slight growth of the fire tree, when we begin to meditate, we often don't see or rather, notice any progress. Each time we meditate, be it for five minutes a day or half an hour each week, we are retraining our minds and this has a cumulative effect. One day we will sit down and realise that we can let it all go just as easily as sitting down.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.

Thursday Apr 19, 2018
Venerable Nitho | Dancing In Your Mind - The Armadale Meditation Group
Thursday Apr 19, 2018
Thursday Apr 19, 2018
Venerable started the evening by relating an interesting story of events that occurred when receiving dana sometime ago on a particularly hot day. A lady was standing in bare feet on hot concrete, as was Venerable, and they both had to dance to avoid their feet being burnt. Venerable used this story to relate to the way we have rain storms in our minds. Rather than running away and hiding, we need to learn how to dance in the rain of our minds.
"Life is not about waiting for the rain storm to pass but learning to dance in the rain". Venerable Nitho.
Venerable continued by encouraging us to follow the first noble truth in Buddhism; Life is suffering or dukkha. That doesn't mean it is awful, just that we need to learn how to dance in the rain and be happy. Life starts where your comfort zone ends. If you stay in your comfort zone, you don't extend your life.
Venerable then guided us in a body scan meditation ending with five minutes of silent observation of our minds.
After the meditation Venerable opened to Q&A. Several of the questions, relating to things that trip us all over when we begin meditation, needed an in-depth explanation, which Venerable Nitho was able to give.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.

Wednesday Apr 11, 2018
Wednesday Apr 11, 2018
Rather than describing meditation as a means to an end, or a tool we use to achieve nibbana, Venerable Bodhi describes meditation to us as coming home to stillness and peace. Venerable goes on to describe how we have unlearned the way to enjoy silence, stillness and peace. Venerable tells us that meditation is actually quite easy, it's something that everyone can do. The hard part is to maintain it, to be there and actually prolong that moment and to come back to it when our thought process interrupts. To start again is always difficult for a beginner. Venerable describes all these situations really well and encourages us to persevere and practise.
Venerable then leads the group through a 30 minute guided meditation with the primary focus on our body. The meditation is well suited to beginners and more experienced alike.
After meditation Venerable gives a talk on karuna or caring. Karuna is a Sanskrit word and is used in Buddhism. It is translated to mean any action that is taken to diminish the suffering of others and could also be translated as "compassionate action". Venerable’s talk on karuna is well presented and easy to follow, encouraging us to care for ourselves and others mindfully.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.

Wednesday Apr 04, 2018
Venerable Mudito - Metta To Oneself First | The Armadale Meditation Group
Wednesday Apr 04, 2018
Wednesday Apr 04, 2018
Venerable Mudito tells us that "we come first". You can't give love and kindness [metta] to someone else if you don't give love and kindness [meta] to yourself first. If you don't have anything to give, you cannot give. So we must love ourselves first and foremost in our lives, then we are better positioned to give to others.
Venerable Mudito tells us that meditation should be fun, what a blessing to sit and meditate. Venerable then lead us through a 30 minute body contemplation meditation. Look as closely as you can at each and every part of your body. Just focus on relaxing the whole body. This meditation is well suited to both beginner and experienced a like.
After the meditation Venerable Mudito opened to questions. With everyone so relaxed and spaced out that there were no questions, Venerable related his own experience with beginning meditation and how it can be of great benefit to us. From health issues to anxiety meditation, being kind to ourselves, will benefit us and all those around us.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.

Thursday Mar 29, 2018
Thursday Mar 29, 2018
Ajahn began the night with his own brand of wit and humour making everyone laugh and relax. Ajahn then encouraged us to keep a light heart in meditation, relax to the max, be peaceful and let go. When we let go of the past and the future, we have nothing to bother us, nothing to worry about. As the great philosopher Snoopy once said "worrying about the future never stops bad things happening, whether you worry about them or not they happen, but what it does stop you doing is enjoying the present moment". Like everything else in life we have to practice, we need to train ourselves how to let go. So meditation is our training in how to let go of the future and the past, just live in the present moment. Don't try to improve yourself. Don't try to change yourself. Just care for yourself.
When Ajahn had us all relaxed and had our attention, he led us in a thirty minute guided meditation well suited to beginners and experienced alike.
After the meditation Ajahn then regaled us with more stories and jokes. Leaving us feeling relaxed and in good humour when we then socialised with all present with chocolate cake. A relaxing and enjoyable evening was had by all.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.

Thursday Mar 22, 2018
Bhante Sujato - Buddha didn't speak English | The Armadale Meditation Group
Thursday Mar 22, 2018
Thursday Mar 22, 2018
Bhante Sujato has been absent from Australia for 2 1/2 years, so when he arrived at Armadale Meditation Group (AMG) on Tuesday everyone was interested to know where he'd been and what he’d been doing. Therefore, this session is quite different to our normal AMG evenings. Bhante gladly started the evening by recounting his time spent on a tiny island in the South China seas just off the coast of Taiwan for 2 1/2 years, translating the Buddha’s texts into plain English.
To see and read the good work being done by Bhante Sujato and his team, please visit Sutta Central.
Bhante, having spoken very little during his time away, started to lose his voice early in the evening and so the meditation, rather than the usual guided meditation, was a silent one. With the majority of us, on the night, well practised, this was a chance for us to do, as a group, our own favourite meditations. Some prefer breath meditation while others prefer metta meditation. It made for a very pleasant meditation greatly appreciated by all.
After the meditation Bhante opened to questions relating to meditation and gave us a talk on the five hindrances that the Buddha detailed in the very early suttas. Very sadly all too soon we ran out of time. We would all have happily stayed for several more hours. One doubts whether Bhante's voice would have held out that long though. Especially when we consider that since returning to Australia, he has had to speak a great deal. Bhante was recently on ABC Radio National, to listen to or download his interview, please click here.
An excellent evening with Bhante Sujato appreciated by all and one we hope Bhante will be willing and able to to repeat soon.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.

Wednesday Mar 14, 2018
Ajahn Cittapalo - I Don't Have To Achieve Anything | The Armadale Meditation Group
Wednesday Mar 14, 2018
Wednesday Mar 14, 2018
Ajahn begins by explaining what meditation is likely to be to beginners, those of us that have never meditated before. Ajahn brings our attention to our attitude when we wish to meditate, if our mind isn't settled or is in the negative, we struggle. Ajahn further explains some of the hindranses that cause us to lose our focus during meditation. The clock on the wall, the traffic going past. Ajahn encourages us to simply be an observer and not to engage in these distractions.
To start the meditation, Ajahn encouraged us to relax, get comfortable and just be. Ajahn guided us through a full body scan before guiding us in a 30 minute meditation. Just be here, beautifully cool room, nice people around us.
After meditation Ajahn gave us a talk and opened to questions after bringing us all to laughter with light hearted humour.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.

Thursday Mar 08, 2018
Ajahn Appi | The Training of our Minds - The Armadale Meditation Group
Thursday Mar 08, 2018
Thursday Mar 08, 2018
Ajahn Appi; “meditation is simple, developing the skill to meditate well, not so easy. It takes practice”. Ajahn then talked to us about the benefits of a good meditation highlighting many of the benefits.
Ajahn then guided us through a 30 minute meditation using several variations of breath meditation. To begin the meditation Ajahn asked us to focus firstly on the neutral object of the darkness we experience when we first begin our meditation with our eyes closed. By doing this we draw our attention away from our thoughts and feelings. Ajahn then changed the focus to our breathing in the full chest for a period of time then to the sensations around our mouths as we breath.
An easy meditation well suited to beginners and experienced meditators alike.
Following the meditation Ajahn opened to questions.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon

Thursday Feb 15, 2018
Thursday Feb 15, 2018
Each year we are blessed with a visit and teaching by Bhante Nissarano. Bhante is based in Sri Lanka, visiting his home city of Perth once every year or two. On such visits, Bhante is usually in high demand, so we at AMG are very grateful for his time.
Bhante started the night by encouraging us to make our bodies physically comfortable first. If our body isn't comfortable our mind will not relax, let alone get comfortable. Bhante continues to encourage us to do our physical exercise first and then to work with our minds to further relax the body. Only after we are relaxed and comfortable can we then move onto relaxing the mind. For some the breath is neither exciting nor important enough for us to use as a meditation object. Bhante suggests that we encourage our minds to be positive and use "giving" to bring our emotions to a positive position. Bhante encourages us to find a positive mind state as a habit, not just for our meditation but our daily lives.
Bhante then guided the group through a 30 minute meditation suited to all, beginners to experienced alike.
After the meditation Bhante opened the floor to "comments, questions or complaints". Bhante then related an occasion when he did get a complaint from a meditator. Bhante used this example to encourage us to look at why this has happened. Once we identify the reason we can then deal with it and move onto thoughts and emotions that help us enjoy our lives.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.

Wednesday Feb 07, 2018
Ajahn Brahmali | What Is Meditation All About - The Armadale Meditation Group
Wednesday Feb 07, 2018
Wednesday Feb 07, 2018
Ajahn Brahmali firstly describes what meditation is all about, nothing weird, nothing too complicated. Ajahn encourages us to watch what is happening in our own mind as we meditate to see what we are thinking about. This will allow us to establish what we personally prioritise in our lives. We will often find that the things we personally prioritise such as work, hobbies and our terrible boss, are the things hindering our meditation. By identifying what is actually distracting us, what we have unknowingly made our first priority, we can shift our thinking to things that will improve our entire lives. Compassion for ourselves and our families.
Ajahn then guided us in a 30 minute meditation well suited to beginners and the more experienced of us [everyone
benefits from a refresher now and then].
After the meditation Ajahn continued the talk of the need for us all to have a long-term investment in meditation and our inner world. He said how important it is that we care for and develop our inner reactions to the world rather than spending so much time trying to collect possessions, change the world or grumble about the things we cannot change.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.

Thursday Feb 01, 2018
Ajahn Brahmavamso | Learning How to Meditate - The Armadale Meditation Group
Thursday Feb 01, 2018
Thursday Feb 01, 2018
Ajahn uses humour, jokes, funny stories and common sense to teach us how to meditate. We forget that being physically comfortable is very important to a good meditation. If we are physically uncomfortable it is difficult to be mentally comfortable, we can't focus. Talk to your body, ask it if it is comfortable, fidget, squirm, cough but get comfortable. Then move on to relaxing mentally. Leave your heavy past in the past, forget your concerns about your future and just live in the moment.
Focus your attention on your breath and breath in "peace", out "let go".
After the guided meditation, Ajahn talks about mental health as well as general health and the benefits of meditation.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.

Wednesday Jan 24, 2018
Bhante Sangharatana | Present Moment Awareness - The Armadale Meditation Group
Wednesday Jan 24, 2018
Wednesday Jan 24, 2018
Bhante begins with an explanation of present moment awareness. Reminding all of us of those moments we all have in our lives that we can clearly remember in detail. Where we were, who we were with, what was happening at that moment in time. We often reflect to such moments when we hear a song or tune. At the time you first heard the song or tune, you experienced present moment awareness. Bhante explains why we need such awareness to meditate.
Bhante then guided the group in a 30min meditation using the breath as our meditation object, or point of focus.
Briefly after the meditation, Bhante opened to Q&A before giving us a talk on the things that will hinder [hinderances], our meditation practice.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.

Wednesday Jan 17, 2018
Wednesday Jan 17, 2018
Ajahn began with base instructions on how and why we meditate, keeping it nice and simple for the beginners and the more experienced alike. A refresher never hurts. Ajahn then led the full house through a 30 minute guided meditation.
“Nothing to do. Cars going by, clock ticking, body breathing. Nothing to do. We don't need to do anything, just be a friendly observer.” Ajahn Cittapalo :-)
After the meditation Ajahn offered this advice to beginners:- Don't make it a chore or a burden, make it a pleasant, easy for you, experience. If you aren't enjoying it, shorten the time. Gradually extend your meditation time, don't make it a job.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon

Wednesday Jan 10, 2018
Becoming Best Friends With Your Mind | Ajahn Santutthi - The Armadale Meditation Group
Wednesday Jan 10, 2018
Wednesday Jan 10, 2018
The first beginners meditation for 2018 and our teacher is Ajahn Santutthi. For the benefit of first timers and those of us beginning in meditation, Ajahn Santutthi gave us an excellent layman’s explanation of meditation. Ajahn then guided us through a 30 minute meditation followed by Q&A.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.