
Monday Mar 29, 2021
Monday Mar 29, 2021
Ajahn Brahmali, Venerable Mudito and Bhante Bodhidhaja are teaching a Noble Eightfold Path series over six consecutive Saturdays.
This is Workshop V: Right speech, action, and livelihood (Part 15).
Find the entire series and reading materials on bswa.org here.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more precious Dhamma teachings, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the teaching you want and click on the audio to open it up on Podbean.

Monday Mar 29, 2021
Monday Mar 29, 2021
Ajahn Brahmali, Venerable Mudito and Bhante Bodhidhaja are teaching a Noble Eightfold Path series over six consecutive Saturdays.
This is Workshop V: Right speech, action, and livelihood (Part 14).
Find the entire series and reading materials on bswa.org here.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more precious Dhamma teachings, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the teaching you want and click on the audio to open it up on Podbean.

Monday Mar 29, 2021
Monday Mar 29, 2021
Ajahn Brahmali, Venerable Mudito and Bhante Bodhidhaja are teaching a Noble Eightfold Path series over six consecutive Saturdays.
This is Workshop V : Right speech, action, and livelihood(Part 13)
Find the entire series and reading materials on bswa.org here.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more precious Dhamma teachings, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the teaching you want and click on the audio to open it up on Podbean.

Friday Mar 26, 2021
Friday Mar 26, 2021
Ajahn Brahmali, Venerable Mudito and Bhante Bodhidhaja are teaching a Noble Eightfold Path series over six consecutive Saturdays.
This is Workshop II: Myths and Right View (Part 4).
Find the entire series and reading materials on bswa.org here.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more precious Dhamma teachings, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the teaching you want and click on the audio to open it up on Podbean.

Monday Mar 22, 2021
Monday Mar 22, 2021
Ajahn Brahmali, Venerable Mudito and Bhante Bodhidhaja are teaching a Noble Eightfold Path series over six consecutive Saturdays.
This is Workshop II: Myths and Right View (Part 6).
Find the entire series and reading materials on bswa.org here.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more precious Dhamma teachings, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the teaching you want and click on the audio to open it up on Podbean.

Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Ajahn Brahmali, Venerable Mudito and Bhante Bodhidhaja are teaching a Noble Eightfold Path series over six consecutive Saturdays.
This is Workshop IV: Fundamentals of morality (Part 12).
Find the entire series and reading materials on bswa.org here.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more precious Dhamma teachings, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the teaching you want and click on the audio to open it up on Podbean.

Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Ajahn Brahmali, Venerable Mudito and Bhante Bodhidhaja are teaching a Noble Eightfold Path series over six consecutive Saturdays.
This is Workshop IV: Fundamentals of morality (Part 11).
Find the entire series and reading materials on bswa.org here.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more precious Dhamma teachings, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the teaching you want and click on the audio to open it up on Podbean.

Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Ajahn Brahmali, Venerable Mudito and Bhante Bodhidhaja are teaching a Noble Eightfold Path series over six consecutive Saturdays.
This is Workshop IV: Fundamentals of morality (Part 10).
Find the entire series and reading materials on bswa.org here.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more precious Dhamma teachings, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the teaching you want and click on the audio to open it up on Podbean.

Thursday Mar 11, 2021
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
Ajahn Brahmali, Venerable Mudito and Bhante Bodhidhaja are teaching a Noble Eightfold Path series over six consecutive Saturdays.
This is Workshop III: More right view and right intention (Part 9).
Find the entire series and reading materials on bswa.org here.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more precious Dhamma teachings, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the teaching you want and click on the audio to open it up on Podbean.

Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Ajahn Brahmali, Venerable Mudito and Bhante Bodhidhaja are teaching a Noble Eightfold Path series over six consecutive Saturdays.
This is Workshop III: More right view and right intention (Part 8).
Find the entire series and reading materials on bswa.org here.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more precious Dhamma teachings, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the teaching you want and click on the audio to open it up on Podbean.

Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
Ajahn Brahmali, Venerable Mudito and Bhante Bodhidhaja are teaching a Noble Eightfold Path series over six consecutive Saturdays.
This is Workshop III: More right view and right intention (Part 7).
Find the entire series and reading materials on bswa.org here.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more precious Dhamma teachings, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the teaching you want and click on the audio to open it up on Podbean.

Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
Ajahn Brahmali, Venerable Mudito and Bhante Bodhidhaja are teaching a Noble Eightfold Path series over six consecutive Saturdays.
This is Workshop II: Myths and Right View (Part 5).
Find the entire series and reading materials on bswa.org here.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more precious Dhamma teachings, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the teaching you want and click on the audio to open it up on Podbean.

Thursday Feb 25, 2021
Thursday Feb 25, 2021
Ajahn Brahmali, Venerable Mudito and Bhante Bodhidhaja are teaching a Noble Eightfold Path series over six consecutive Saturdays.
Workshop I: Introduction and overview. This is part 3.
Find the entire series and reading materials on bswa.org here.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more precious Dhamma teachings, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the teaching you want and click on the audio to open it up on Podbean.

Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Ajahn Brahmali, Venerable Mudito and Bhante Bodhidhaja are teaching a Noble Eightfold Path series over six consecutive Saturdays.
Workshop I: Introduction and overview. This is part 2.
Find the entire series and reading materials on bswa.org here.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more precious Dhamma teachings, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the teaching you want and click on the audio to open it up on Podbean.

Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Ajahn Brahmali, Venerable Mudito and Bhante Bodhidhaja are teaching a Noble Eightfold Path series over six consecutive Saturdays.
Workshop I: Introduction and overview. This is part 1.
Find the entire series and reading materials on bswa.org here.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more precious Dhamma teachings, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the teaching you want and click on the audio to open it up on Podbean.

Thursday Feb 04, 2021
Ajahn Bramali | One Auspicious Night | The Armadale Meditation Group
Thursday Feb 04, 2021
Thursday Feb 04, 2021
Ajahn Bramali joins the Armadale Meditation Group on-line live. Armadale Meditation Group (AMG) is designed to teach you about meditation. The classes generally begin with chanting the Metta Sutta, then receiving meditation instructions
and meditating together, followed by asking questions and finally if time remains listening to a Dhamma talk. However, the layout can vary. Due to social distancing regulations, these weekly Tuesday night teachings are happening via Zoom from Bodhinyana Monastery.
The topic of this session is - One Auspicious Night or The Ideal Lover of Solitude - from The Bhaddekaratta Sutra.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more precious Dhamma teachings, visit the BSWA teachings page choose the teaching you want and click on the audio to open it up on Podbean.
Teachings are available for downloading from the BSWA website , the BSWA Youtube Channel, the BSWA Podcast and Deeper Dhamma Podcast .

Saturday Jan 30, 2021
Thoughts About Death | Ajahn Brahmali | 25 December 2009
Saturday Jan 30, 2021
Saturday Jan 30, 2021
From a Buddhist perspective, thinking about death isn't a negative, dark and depressing act, but rather, thinking about death can be very useful, putting life in perspective, and even leading the mind in to peace. Ajahn Brahmali gives advice on how to wisely contemplate death.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more precious Dhamma teachings, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the teaching you want and click on the audio to open it up on Podbean.

Wednesday Jan 27, 2021
Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahmali | 23 January 2021
Wednesday Jan 27, 2021
Wednesday Jan 27, 2021
Ajahn Brahmali briefly explains one way to gradually calm our mind, is to reflect on the uncertainty of our future and on being grateful for what we have.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more precious Dhamma teachings, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the teaching you want and click on the audio to open it up on Podbean.

Monday Jan 25, 2021
Right View, Meditation and COVID-19 | Ajahn Brahmali | 22 January 2021
Monday Jan 25, 2021
Monday Jan 25, 2021
Ajahn Brahmali offers a talk on meditation and our current COVID-19 situation, explaining the important role that right view has on both.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more precious Dhamma teachings, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the teaching you want and click on the audio to open it up on Podbean.

Monday Jan 25, 2021
Friday Night Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahmali | 22 January 2021
Monday Jan 25, 2021
Monday Jan 25, 2021
Ajahn Brahmali guides a meditation for approximately 30 minutes.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more precious Dhamma teachings, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the teaching you want and click on the audio to open it up on Podbean.