
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Dhammaloka Book Club: ”Opening the Door of Your Heart” | Venerable Sunyo
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Venerable Sunyo discusses his favourite stories in the book, sharing anecdotes from his childhood and meditation practice at the Dhammaloka Books Club's 5th session on the 14 May 2022.
Venerable shares the attitude that he uses when he meditates, "Just by sitting down and being there, the meditation is already a success and done, and there is nothing further to change or to get somewhere". The mind then gets peaceful right away, as we are opening the door of our heart to whatever is going on in our mind.
Also keep an ear out for Venerable's amusing encounter with "MULCH" in the monastery.
This book is available from the Dhammaloka Library.
Dhammaloka Book Club is usually held on the second Saturday of every month from 1.45 pm to 2.30 pm, please check the BSWA event page for the latest updates.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more precious Dhamma teachings, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the teaching you want and click on the audio to open it up on Podbean.

Wednesday May 04, 2022
Venerable Sunyo | Follow the Precepts | The Armadale Meditation Group
Wednesday May 04, 2022
Wednesday May 04, 2022
Tuesday 03rd May 2022
Venerable Sunyo joins the Armadale Meditation Group on-line live. Armadale Meditation Group (AMG) is designed to teach you about meditation. The classes generally begin with chanting the Metta Sutta, then receiving meditation instructions and meditating together, followed by asking questions and finally if time remains listening to a Dhamma talk. However, the layout can vary. Due to social distancing regulations, these weekly Tuesday night teachings are happening via Zoom from Bodhinyana Monastery.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more precious Dhamma teachings, visit the BSWA teachings page choose the teaching you want and click on the audio to open it up on Podbean.
Teachings are available for downloading from the BSWA website, the BSWA Youtube Channel, the BSWA Podcast and Deeper Dhamma Podcast.

Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
A two part series of Dhamma talk by Bhante Sunyo on Mindfulness in the early texts on the 21 November 2021, at the Buddhist Society of Victoria (BSV). Part 1 link: http://podcast.bswa.org/e/mindfulness-in-the-early-texts-sutta-discussion-part-1-bhante-sunyo-14-nov-2021/
Bhante Sunyo is staying at Newbury Buddhist Monastery for the 2021 Vassa. He usually resides at Bodhinyana Monastery in Western Australia, under Ajahn Brahm.
Please visit the BSV Podcast Channel and BSV YouTube Channel
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more precious Dhamma teachings, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the teaching you want and click on the audio to open it up on Podbean.

Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
A two part series of Dhamma talk by Bhante Sunyo on Mindfulness in the early texts on the 14 November 2021, at the Buddhist Society of Victoria (BSV).
Bhante Sunyo is staying at Newbury Buddhist Monastery for the 2021 Vassa. He usually resides at Bodhinyana Monastery in Western Australia, under Ajahn Brahm.
Please visit the BSV Podcast Channel and BSV YouTube Channel
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more precious Dhamma teachings, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the teaching you want and click on the audio to open it up on Podbean.

Wednesday Jan 12, 2022
Most of the Rain Misses - Dealing with Covid | Bhante Sunyo | 10 October 2021
Wednesday Jan 12, 2022
Wednesday Jan 12, 2022
Dhamma talk by Bhante Sunyo on the 10 October 2021, at the Buddhist Society of Victoria (BSV).
Please visit the BSV Podcast Channel and BSV YouTube Channel
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more precious Dhamma teachings, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the teaching you want and click on the audio to open it up on Podbean.

Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
All or Nothing | Bhante Sunyo | 1 August 2021
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Dhamma talk by Bhante Sunyo on the 1st August 2021, at the Buddhist Society of Victoria (BSV).
Please visit the BSV Podcast Channel and BSV YouTube Channel
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more precious Dhamma teachings, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the teaching you want and click on the audio to open it up on Podbean.

Friday Jun 25, 2021
Venerable Sunyo | Relax When Meditating | The Armadale Meditation Group
Friday Jun 25, 2021
Friday Jun 25, 2021
Tuesday 22nd June 2021
Venerable Sunyo joins the Armadale Meditation Group on-line live. Armadale Meditation Group (AMG) is designed to teach you about meditation. The classes generally begin with chanting the Metta Sutta, then receiving meditation instructions and meditating together, followed by asking questions and finally if time remains listening to a Dhamma talk. However, the layout can vary. Due to social distancing regulations, these weekly Tuesday night teachings are happening via Zoom from Bodhinyana Monastery.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more precious Dhamma teachings, visit the BSWA teachings page choose the teaching you want
and click on the audio to open it up on Podbean.
Teachings are available for downloading from the BSWA website the BSWA Youtube Channel, the BSWA Podcast, and Deeper Dhamma Podcast.

Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Monday Night Meditation at Wat Dhammayanaram, Cambodian Society of WA (CBSWA) with Venerable Sunyo on the 24th May 2021. These weekly teachings give an introduction into Meditation and some guidance and basics into the practice of the Buddhist Path. They usually consist of a short talk, thirty minute meditation and then questions & answers.
Venerable Sunyo visited Wat Dhammayanaram for about a month. He currently lives at Bodhinyana Monastery in Serpentine, WA (Buddhist Society of WA monastery – abbot Ajahn Brahmavamso).
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more precious Dhamma teachings, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the teaching you want and click on the audio to open it up on Podbean.
Teaching retrieved from https://thecbswa.org/meditation-recordings please visit https://thecbswa.org/ to find out how to attend the monastery in person.

Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Venerable Sunyo | Loving Kindness | Monday Night Meditation at Wat Dhammayanaram
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Monday Night Meditation at Wat Dhammayanaram, Cambodian Society of WA (CBSWA) with Venerable Sunyo on the 17th May 2021. Our apologies for the poor sound, please try headphones.
These weekly teachings give an introduction into Meditation and some guidance and basics into the practice of the Buddhist Path. They usually consist of a short talk, thirty minute meditation and then questions & answers.
Venerable Sunyo visited Wat Dhammayanaram for about a month. He currently lives at Bodhinyana Monastery in Serpentine, WA (Buddhist Society of WA monastery – abbot Ajahn Brahmavamso).
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more precious Dhamma teachings, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the teaching you want and click on the audio to open it up on Podbean.
Teaching retrieved from https://thecbswa.org/meditation-recordings please visit https://thecbswa.org/ to find out how to attend the monastery in person.

Friday May 28, 2021
Friday May 28, 2021
Monday Night Meditation at Wat Dhammayanaram, Cambodian Society of WA (CBSWA) with Venerable Sunyo on the 10th May 2021. These weekly teachings give an introduction into Meditation and some guidance and basics into the practice of the Buddhist Path. They usually consist of a short talk, thirty minute meditation and then questions & answers.
Venerable Sunyo visited Wat Dhammayanaram for about a month. He currently lives at Bodhinyana Monastery in Serpentine, WA (Buddhist Society of WA monastery – abbot Ajahn Brahmavamso).
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more precious Dhamma teachings, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the teaching you want and click on the audio to open it up on Podbean.
Teaching retrieved from https://thecbswa.org/meditation-recordings please visit https://thecbswa.org/ to find out how to attend the monastery in person.

Friday Mar 05, 2021
Venerable Sunyo | Reliability In Life | The Armadale Meditation Group
Friday Mar 05, 2021
Friday Mar 05, 2021
Venerable Sunyo joins the Armadale Meditation Group on-line live. Armadale Meditation Group (AMG) is designed to teach you about meditation. The classes generally begin with chanting the Metta Sutta, then receiving meditation instructions and meditating together, followed by asking questions and finally if time remains listening to a Dhamma talk. However, the layout can vary. Due to social distancing regulations, these weekly Tuesday night teachings are happening via Zoom from Bodhinyana Monastery.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via
To find and download more precious Dhamma teachings, visit the BSWA teachings page choose the teaching you want and click on the audio to open it up on Podbean.
Teachings are available for downloading from the BSWA website the BSWA Youtube Channel, the BSWA Podcast and Deeper Dhamma Podcast.

Sunday Nov 29, 2020
Venerable Sunyo | Piracy of the Mind | The Armadale Meditation Group
Sunday Nov 29, 2020
Sunday Nov 29, 2020
Venerable Sunyo joins the Armadale Meditation Group on-line live.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more Armadale Meditation Group Teachings, visit the BSWA teachings page, choose the AMG teaching you want, then type the title into the Podcast search box.
Teachings are available for downloading from the BSWA website, the BSWA Youtube Channel, the BSWA Podcast, and Deeper Dhamma Podcast.

Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
Trust The Dhamma, Trust Your Mind | Venerable Sunyo | 29 June 2020
Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
This teaching and guided meditation is part of the corona dhamma daily series of daily meditation and dhamma teachings offered by the monks at Bodhinyana Monastery to support the community during the coronavirus pandemic.
Teachings are available for downloading from the BSWA website, the BSWA Youtube Channel, the BSWA Podcast, and Deeper Dhamma Podcast.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.

Friday Jun 12, 2020
Smile! Be Happy! | Venerable Sunyo | 11 June 2020
Friday Jun 12, 2020
Friday Jun 12, 2020
This teaching and guided meditation is part of the corona dhamma daily series of daily meditation and dhamma teachings offered by the monks at Bodhinyana Monastery to support the community during the coronavirus pandemic.
Teachings are available for downloading from the BSWA website, the BSWA Youtube Channel, the BSWA Podcast, and Deeper Dhamma Podcast.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.

Friday May 15, 2020
Five Ways to Relax | Venerable Sunyo | 13 May 2020
Friday May 15, 2020
Friday May 15, 2020
This guided meditation is part of the corona dhamma daily series of daily meditation and dhamma teachings offered by the monks at Bodhinyana Monastery to support the community during the coronavirus pandemic.
Teachings are available for downloading from the BSWA website, the BSWA Youtube Channel, the BSWA Podcast, and Deeper Dhamma Podcast.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.

Saturday Apr 18, 2020
Letting Go When You're Stuck| Venerable Sunyo | 16 April 2020
Saturday Apr 18, 2020
Saturday Apr 18, 2020
This is from a series of daily meditation and Dhamma teachings offered by the monks at Bodhinyana Monastery and Bodhinyana Great Southern to support the community during the Coronavirus pandemic.
This was recorded at Bodhinyana Great Southern, Albany Hermitage, at 7:30am; 16/4/20.
Teachings are available for downloading from the BSWA website, the BSWA Youtube Channel, the BSWA Podcast, and Deeper Dhamma Podcast.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.